TEAM LËTZEBUERG - Events, Matches, Results & Stats

  • Actually there are no upcoming matches for our national teams.
  • Novotel Cup #35

    03.01.2025LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)3 - 0
    04.01.2025LUXEMBOURG (W) - ENGLAND (W)3 - 0
    04.01.2025LUXEMBOURG (M) - GERMANY (M)3 - 0
    05.01.2025LUXEMBOURG (W) - GERMANY (W)3 - 0

    Novotel Cup #34

    27.12.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - AUSTRIA (W)2 - 3
    27.12.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - FRANCE (M)3 - 1
    28.12.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)1 - 3
    28.12.2023AUSTRIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    29.12.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - AUSTRIA (M)2 - 3

    2023 CEV SCA Senior Women Championships

    26.05.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W)3 - 0
    26.05.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W)3 - 0

    Novotel Cup #33

    06.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W)3 - 0
    06.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - IRELAND (M)3 - 0
    07.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)3 - 0
    07.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - ENGLAND (W)3 - 0
    08.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (W) - GERMANY (W)3 - 1
    08.01.2023LUXEMBOURG (M) - GERMANY (M)3 - 0

    2022 - Eurovolley Qualifiers

    03.08.2022MONTENEGRO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    07.08.2022ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    10.08.2022PORTUGAL (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    13.08.2022LUXEMBOURG (M) - PORTUGAL (M)0 - 3
    17.08.2022LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)
    20.08.2022LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONTENEGRO (M)

    2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League

    25.05.2022SLOVENIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    29.05.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - ESTONIA (W)0 - 3
    01.06.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - SWEDEN (W)0 - 3
    08.06.2022PORTUGAL (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    12.06.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - PORTUGAL (W)0 - 3
    18.06.2022SWEDEN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    22.06.2022ESTONIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    26.06.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - SLOVENIA (W)0 - 3

    2022 - SCA Junior Men Championships

    12.04.2022LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORTHERN IRELAND (M)2 - 3
    13.04.2022LUXEMBOURG (M) - ANDORRA (M)3 - 1
    14.04.2022IRELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)1 - 3

    2022 - SCA Junior Women Championships

    08.04.2022NORTHERN IRELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    09.04.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W)3 - 0
    10.04.2022IRELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    10.04.2022LUXEMBOURG (W) - GIBRALTAR (W)3 - 0

    2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League

    21.05.2021CROATIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    22.05.2021HUNGARY (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    23.05.2021LUXEMBOURG (M) - AUSTRIA (M)0 - 3
    27.05.2021CROATIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    28.05.2021LUXEMBOURG (W) - SLOVENIA (W)0 - 3
    29.05.2021ISRAEL (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    29.05.2021HUNGARY (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    30.05.2021AUSTRIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    30.05.2021LUXEMBOURG (M) - AUSTRIA (M)3 - 0
    04.06.2021AUSTRIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    05.06.2021LUXEMBOURG (W) - SLOVENIA (W)0 - 3
    06.06.2021ISRAEL (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0

    Novotel Cup #32

    03.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (W) - ENGLAND (W)3 - 0
    03.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M)3 - 0
    04.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)3 - 0
    04.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (W) - SCOTLAND (W)3 - 0
    05.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 1
    05.01.2020LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0

    2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)

    28.05.2019 CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    28.05.2019SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    28.05.2019 MONACO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    28.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MONACO (W) 0 - 2
    28.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M)3 - 1
    29.05.2019LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)1 - 3
    29.05.2019 MALTA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    29.05.2019 MALTA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 0 - 2
    29.05.2019MONTENEGRO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    30.05.2019 LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    30.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)2 - 3
    30.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 1
    30.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONTENEGRO (M) 2 - 0
    31.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M) 1 - 2
    31.05.2019MONTENEGRO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    31.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MONTENEGRO (W) 2 - 0
    31.05.2019 MONACO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 0 - 2
    31.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)1 - 3
    01.06.2019LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W)0 - 3
    01.06.2019SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3

    2019 SCA Women Tournament (Luxembourg)

    10.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (W) - NORTHERN IRELAND (W)3 - 0
    11.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (W) - GREENLAND (W)3 - 0
    11.05.2019LUXEMBOURG (W) - FAROE ISLANDS (W)3 - 2
    12.05.2019SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)1 - 3

    2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men

    15.08.2018GREECE (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    18.08.2018LUXEMBOURG (M) - AZERBAIJAN (M)2 - 3
    22.08.2018SWEDEN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    25.08.2018LUXEMBOURG (M) - SWEDEN (M)3 - 2
    05.01.2019AZERBAIJAN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    09.01.2019LUXEMBOURG (M) - GREECE (M)0 - 3

    2018 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round

    29.04.2018LUXEMBOURG (W) - WALES (W)3 - 0
    30.04.2018LUXEMBOURG (W) - FAROE ISLANDS (W)3 - 1
    01.05.2018LUXEMBOURG (W) - SCOTLAND (W)3 - 1
    01.05.2018LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3

    2018 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    23.03.2018LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M)3 - 1
    24.03.2018ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)1 - 3
    25.03.2018LUXEMBOURG (M) - FAROE ISLANDS (M)2 - 3

    Novotel Cup #31

    27.12.2017GERMANY (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    27.12.2017TERVILLE FLORANGE OC (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    28.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)1 - 3
    28.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)3 - 0
    29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)3 - 0
    29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - GERMANY (M)1 - 3
    29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - TERVILLE FLORANGE OC (W)0 - 3
    29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - ENGLAND (M)1 - 3

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round

    23.06.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W)3 - 1
    24.06.2017SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    24.06.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)0 - 3
    25.06.2017FAROE ISLANDS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3

    2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)

    30.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 0
    30.05.2017 MONACO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    30.05.2017 ANDORRA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    30.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W) 0 - 2
    31.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0
    31.05.2017CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 2
    31.05.2017 SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    31.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M) 2 - 1
    01.06.2017 CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    01.06.2017CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)2 - 3
    01.06.2017 LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONTENEGRO (M) 2 - 1
    01.06.2017SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 2
    02.06.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M)3 - 0
    02.06.2017 LIECHTENSTEIN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    02.06.2017ICELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3
    02.06.2017 LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W) 2 - 0
    02.06.2017 MONACO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 1
    03.06.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W)3 - 0
    03.06.2017SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3

    2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men

    23.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - NETHERLANDS (M)1 - 3
    24.05.2017SLOVAKIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    25.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - AUSTRIA (M)0 - 3
    27.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - REP OF MOLDOVA (M)2 - 3
    28.05.2017GREECE (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh

    13.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W) 2 - 0
    13.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W) 2 - 0
    13.05.2017 DENMARK (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    14.05.2017 SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    14.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W) 0 - 2

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    12.05.2017ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)1 - 3
    13.05.2017CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    14.05.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORTHERN IRELAND (M)3 - 0

    Novotel Cup 2017

    30.12.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - ALBANIA (W)0 - 3
    30.12.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - GERMANY (M)3 - 2
    31.12.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - NORWAY (W)3 - 2
    31.12.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - AZERBAIJAN (M)3 - 2
    01.01.2017LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 0
    01.01.2017LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    24.06.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - NORTHERN IRELAND (W)3 - 0
    25.06.2016ICELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1
    26.06.2016SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1

    2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Estonia)

    18.06.2016ESTONIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    19.06.2016BELARUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    20.06.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - AUSTRIA (M)0 - 3

    2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Austria)

    03.06.2016AUSTRIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    04.06.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - ESTONIA (M)0 - 3
    05.06.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - BELARUS (M)0 - 3

    2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)

    03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M) 0 - 2
    03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M) 2 - 0
    04.06.2016 SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 0 - 2
    04.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (M) - IRELAND (M) 2 - 0
    05.06.2016 NORTHERN IRELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0

    2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)

    03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (W) - NORTHERN IRELAND (W) 2 - 0
    03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W) 2 - 0
    04.06.2016 SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    04.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG (W) - SCOTLAND (W) 2 - 0
    04.06.2016 SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    04.06.2016 SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men 1st Round

    20.05.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - LITHUANIA (M)3 - 2
    21.05.2016AUSTRIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    22.05.2016REP OF MOLDOVA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women 1st Round

    20.05.2016ESTONIA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    21.05.2016SWEDEN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    22.05.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - DENMARK (W)0 - 3

    2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    14.05.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORTHERN IRELAND (M)3 - 0
    15.05.2016FAROE ISLANDS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3

    2016 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    01.04.2016FAROE ISLANDS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3
    02.04.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W)0 - 3
    02.04.2016SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    03.04.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - NORTHERN IRELAND (W)3 - 0

    2016 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    01.04.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M)3 - 1
    01.04.2016SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    02.04.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 0
    03.04.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)1 - 3

    Novotel Cup 2016

    01.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - DENMARK (W)0 - 3
    01.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - DENMARK (M)3 - 1
    02.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - SWITZERLAND (M)3 - 0
    02.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 0
    03.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 0
    03.01.2016LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0

    2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    19.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - FAROE ISLANDS (M)3 - 1
    20.06.2015CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)2 - 3
    21.06.2015SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3

    2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)

    02.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W) 0 - 2
    03.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M) 2 - 0
    03.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - MONTENEGRO (W)0 - 3
    03.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MONACO (W) 0 - 2
    03.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 2
    04.06.2015 LIECHTENSTEIN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    04.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 2
    04.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W) 0 - 2
    04.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 1
    05.06.2015 ANDORRA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    05.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M)3 - 0
    05.06.2015 ICELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 0
    05.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 1
    06.06.2015 CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    06.06.2015 MALTA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 2 - 1
    06.06.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)0 - 3

    2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round

    15.05.2015CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1
    15.05.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 0
    16.05.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - SCOTLAND (W)0 - 3
    17.05.2015FAROE ISLANDS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3

    Novotel Cup 2015

    01.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - SWITZERLAND (M)3 - 0
    02.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - DENMARK (W)1 - 3
    02.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0
    03.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 1
    03.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORWAY (M)3 - 2
    04.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 2
    04.01.2015LUXEMBOURG (M) - DENMARK (M)2 - 3

    2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    06.06.2014FAROE ISLANDS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1
    07.06.2014LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W)3 - 0
    08.06.2014LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 0

    2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    07.06.2014SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    08.06.2014LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 2

    2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    09.05.2014LUXEMBOURG (M) - LITHUANIA (M)3 - 0
    10.05.2014REP OF MOLDOVA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    11.05.2014ISRAEL (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    Novotel Cup 2014

    03.01.2014LUXEMBOURG (W) - TERVILLE FLORANGE OC (W)0 - 3
    03.01.2014LUXEMBOURG (M) - USA STEVEN DUCKS (M)3 - 0
    04.01.2014LUXEMBOURG (M) - LISSP CALAIS (M)3 - 2
    05.01.2014LUXEMBOURG (M) - GERMANY (M)2 - 3
    04.11.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - GERMANY (W)1 - 3
    05.11.2016LUXEMBOURG (W) - AZERBAIJAN (W)0 - 3

    2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    06.06.2013SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    07.06.2013LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 0
    08.06.2013LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)0 - 3

    2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)

    28.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M) 2 - 0
    28.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (W) - ANDORRA (W) 2 - 0
    28.05.2013LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0
    29.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M) 2 - 0
    29.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W) 2 - 0
    29.05.2013LUXEMBOURG (M) - MONACO (M)3 - 1
    29.05.2013SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3
    30.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (M) - LIECHTENSTEIN (M) 0 - 2
    30.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W) 2 - 1
    30.05.2013LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 1
    30.05.2013LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)2 - 3
    31.05.2013CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    31.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W) 2 - 1
    31.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M) 0 - 2
    01.06.2013 LUXEMBOURG (M) - ANDORRA (M) 0 - 2
    01.06.2013 LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W) 0 - 2
    01.06.2013CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    01.06.2012LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORTHERN IRELAND (M)3 - 0
    02.06.2012FAROE ISLANDS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    02.06.2012LUXEMBOURG (M) - IRELAND (M)3 - 0
    03.06.2012SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)1 - 3

    2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    25.05.2012FAROE ISLANDS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    26.05.2012LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 0
    27.05.2012SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 2

    2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    13.05.2012LUXEMBOURG (M) - SWEDEN (M)0 - 3
    20.05.2012SWEDEN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)

    31.05.2011 MONACO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 0 - 2
    31.05.2011SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0
    31.05.2011ANDORRA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    01.06.2011LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 1
    01.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W) 2 - 0
    01.06.2011LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W)0 - 3
    02.06.2011SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)1 - 3
    02.06.2011LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)3 - 1
    02.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG (W) - ANDORRA (W) 2 - 0
    03.06.2011MONTENEGRO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    03.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W) 1 - 2
    04.06.2011LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)0 - 3
    04.06.2011 MALTA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 1 - 2
    04.06.2011LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round

    12.05.2011LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)1 - 3
    13.05.2011LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    15.05.2011CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    06.05.2011SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)2 - 3
    07.05.2011ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)2 - 3
    08.05.2011LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)2 - 3

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    18.06.2010LUXEMBOURG (M) - MALTA (M)3 - 0
    19.06.2010LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 0
    20.06.2010ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    11.06.2010LUXEMBOURG (W) - MALTA (W)3 - 0
    12.06.2010ICELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3
    12.06.2010LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)3 - 1
    13.06.2010IRELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)1 - 3

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women

    09.05.2010LUXEMBOURG (W) - SWITZERLAND (W)0 - 3
    15.05.2010SWITZERLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 0

    2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    09.05.2010LUXEMBOURG (M) - HUNGARY (M)0 - 3
    16.05.2010HUNGARY (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    26.06.2009NORTHERN IRELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    27.06.2009LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0
    28.06.2009LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)2 - 3

    2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)

    02.06.2009LUXEMBOURG (W) - ICELAND (W)0 - 3
    02.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG (W) - LIECHTENSTEIN (W) 2 - 0
    02.06.2009 CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    02.06.2009 MONACO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 0 - 2
    02.06.2009 SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M) 2 - 0
    02.06.2009LUXEMBOURG (M) - ANDORRA (M)0 - 3
    03.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG (W) - CYPRUS (W) 0 - 2
    03.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG (M) - MALTA (M) 2 - 1
    03.06.2009 ICELAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 0 - 2
    03.06.2009ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    03.06.2009CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1
    04.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG (M) - LIECHTENSTEIN (M) 0 - 2
    04.06.2009 ANDORRA (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 0 - 2
    04.06.2009LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)0 - 3
    05.06.2009LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 2
    05.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG (W) - MONACO (W) 1 - 2
    05.06.2009 LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W) 0 - 2
    05.06.2009SAN MARINO (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    06.06.2009SAN MARINO (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1

    2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round

    22.05.2009LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1
    23.05.2009LUXEMBOURG (W) - SAN MARINO (W)3 - 2
    24.05.2009CYPRUS (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)3 - 1

    2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    20.06.2008LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 0
    21.06.2008LUXEMBOURG (M) - FAROE ISLANDS (M)3 - 1
    22.06.2008NORTHERN IRELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 2

    2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women

    16.05.2008SCOTLAND (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)2 - 3
    17.05.2008LIECHTENSTEIN (W) - LUXEMBOURG (W)0 - 3
    18.05.2008LUXEMBOURG (W) - IRELAND (W)3 - 1
    18.05.2008LUXEMBOURG (W) - FAROE ISLANDS (W)3 - 0

    2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    08.05.2008LUXEMBOURG (M) - ROMANIA (M)0 - 3
    11.05.2008ROMANIA (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round

    04.05.2007LUXEMBOURG (M) - ANDORRA (M)0 - 3
    05.05.2007FAROE ISLANDS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    06.05.2007LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)0 - 3

    2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    29.06.2006FAROE ISLANDS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    30.06.2006NORTHERN IRELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    01.07.2006ICELAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 2

    2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    13.05.2006LUXEMBOURG (M) - NORWAY (M)0 - 3
    20.05.2006NORWAY (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0

    2005 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    19.12.2003SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    20.12.2003LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 1
    21.12.2003FAROE ISLANDS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 2

    2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    28.05.2002LUXEMBOURG (M) - MALTA (M)3 - 0
    29.05.2002SCOTLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)2 - 3
    30.05.2002LUXEMBOURG (M) - IRELAND (M)3 - 2
    31.05.2002LUXEMBOURG (M) - CYPRUS (M)1 - 3
    01.06.2002LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M)2 - 3

    2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men

    24.05.2000LIECHTENSTEIN (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)0 - 3
    24.05.2000LUXEMBOURG (M) - IRELAND (M)3 - 0
    25.05.2000CYPRUS (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 1
    26.05.2000LUXEMBOURG (M) - ICELAND (M)3 - 0
    27.05.2000LUXEMBOURG (M) - SCOTLAND (M)0 - 3
    28.05.2000LUXEMBOURG (M) - SAN MARINO (M)3 - 2

    1993 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men

    24.10.1992LUXEMBOURG (M) - SWITZERLAND (M)0 - 3
    28.11.1992SWITZERLAND (M) - LUXEMBOURG (M)3 - 0
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      CEV EC SCD222
      GSSE indoor327
      Novotel Cup473
      Officiel CEV Ranking (01.10.2018)
      34 (04.09.2017)
      31 (10.07.2017)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:50 - 147 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG ICELAND men

      2022 - Eurovolley Qualifiers
      07.08.2022ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (18:25 20:25 24:26)
      Novotel Cup #32
      05.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (26:24 28:26 25:22)
      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      30.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:16 24:26 25:17 25:17)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      31.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:21 25:19 25:15)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      12.05.2017ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (15:25 19:25 25:22 12:25)
      Novotel Cup 2017
      01.01.2017LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:17 25:18 25:15)
      Novotel Cup 2016
      03.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:14 25:14 25:19)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      03.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 2 (23:25 25:22 25:18 19:25 15:13)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      02.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:21 25:18 25:16)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      08.06.2014LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 2 (18:25 26:24 25:19 29:31 16:14)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      28.05.2013LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:23 29:27 25:15)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      01.06.2011LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:16 27:25 24:26 25:20)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      07.05.2011ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (25:23 21:25 26:24 20:25 11:15)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      20.06.2010ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (19:25 20:25 18:25)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      27.06.2009LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:19 25:21 25:19)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      03.06.2009ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (21:25 25:18 25:15 27:25)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      01.07.2006ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (21:25 25:21 25:21 15:25 15:7)
      2005 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      20.12.2003LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:15 25:21 25:27 25:14)
      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      26.05.2000LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:9 25:17 25:22)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      31.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS1 - 3 (27:25 21:25 20:25 22:25)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      01.06.2017CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (25:18 25:22 21:25 16:25 23:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      13.05.2017CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (17:25 31:33 17:25)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      20.06.2015CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (23:25 25:23 24:26 25:14 11:15)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      08.06.2013LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (18:25 17:25 23:25)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      01.06.2013CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:23 25:15 25:20)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      04.06.2011LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (22:25 23:25 23:25)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      08.05.2011LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS2 - 3 (23:25 25:19 20:25 25:16 8:15)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      28.06.2009LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS2 - 3 (25:18 25:22 19:25 21:25 12:15)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      04.06.2009LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (16:25 25:27 18:25)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      06.05.2007LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (21:25 18:25 18:25)
      2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      31.05.2002LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS1 - 3 (18:25 25:22 24:26 10:25)
      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      25.05.2000CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:19 21:25 25:20 25:22)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND men

      Novotel Cup #32
      03.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND3 - 0 (25:16 29:27 25:16)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      21.06.2015SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (22:25 16:25 14:25)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      07.06.2014SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (22:25 14:25 24:26)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      06.06.2013SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:18 25:18 25:21)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      03.06.2012SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (19:25 29:27 14:25 20:25)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      06.05.2011SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (25:21 22:25 25:23 9:25 8:15)
      2005 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      19.12.2003SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 25:16 25:21)
      2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      01.06.2002LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND2 - 3 (25:17 25:22 19:25 26:28 15:17)
      2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      29.05.2002SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (19:25 27:25 25:19 18:25 14:16)
      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      27.05.2000LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND0 - 3 (23:25 28:30 22:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SAN MARINO men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      01.06.2019SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (19:25 11:25 17:25)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      03.06.2017SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (21:25 19:25 17:25)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      04.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 1 (25:23 18:25 25:14 25:12)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      07.06.2013LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 0 (25:12 25:17 25:16)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      30.05.2013LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO2 - 3 (25:27 25:18 26:28 25:19 10:15)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      02.06.2011SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (25:23 16:25 21:25 15:25)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      19.06.2010LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 0 (25:21 25:23 25:18)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      05.06.2009SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:17 25:21 25:22)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      20.06.2008LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 0 (25:20 25:22 28:26)
      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      28.05.2000LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 2 (20:25 25:23 26:24 18:25 15:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG AUSTRIA men

      Novotel Cup #34
      29.12.2023LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA2 - 3 (25:23 25:23 19:25 16:25 9:15)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      30.05.2021LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA3 - 0 (25:23 25:22 25:22)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      23.05.2021LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA0 - 3 (19:25 22:25 21:25)
      2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men
      25.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA0 - 3 (24:26 23:25 20:25)
      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Estonia)
      20.06.2016LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA0 - 3 (21:25 26:28 18:25)
      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Austria)
      03.06.2016AUSTRIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (18:25 25:19 25:22 25:15)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men 1st Round
      21.05.2016AUSTRIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:22 19:25 25:20 25:17)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG FAROE ISLANDS men

      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      15.05.2016FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (19:25 13:25 10:25)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      19.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS3 - 1 (25:14 25:16 17:25 25:11)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      02.06.2012FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (20:25 9:25 14:25)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      21.06.2008LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS3 - 1 (25:15 21:25 25:16 25:22)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      05.05.2007FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (26:28 23:25 23:25)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      29.06.2006FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (20:25 20:25 22:25)
      2005 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      21.12.2003FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (25:12 19:25 25:20 19:25 15:11)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ENGLAND men

      Novotel Cup #35
      03.01.2025LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:17 25:17 32:30)
      Novotel Cup #34
      28.12.2023LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND1 - 3 (17:25 31:29 17:25 20:25)
      Novotel Cup #33
      07.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:20 25:17 25:22)
      Novotel Cup #32
      04.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:22 25:15 25:18)
      Novotel Cup #31
      29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND1 - 3 (25:19 13:25 17:25 14:25)
      Novotel Cup #31
      28.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:18 25:17 25:20)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG GERMANY men

      Novotel Cup #35
      04.01.2025LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY3 - 0 (25:21 25:17 25:23)
      Novotel Cup #33
      08.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY3 - 0 (25:21 25:15 25:20)
      Novotel Cup #31
      29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY1 - 3 (21:25 25:19 23:25 20:25)
      Novotel Cup #31
      27.12.2017GERMANY - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:9 28:26 23:25 25:22)
      Novotel Cup 2017
      30.12.2016LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY3 - 2 (21:25 25:10 25:23 23:25 16:14)
      Novotel Cup 2014
      05.01.2014LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY2 - 3 (25:19 25:23 15:25 23:25 10:15)


      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      14.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:21 25:14 25:14)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      14.05.2016LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:14 25:13 25:20)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      01.06.2012LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:12 25:20 25:20)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      26.06.2009NORTHERN IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (21:25 16:25 17:25)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      22.06.2008NORTHERN IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (16:25 27:25 25:20 28:30 15:7)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      30.06.2006NORTHERN IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (18:25 20:25 11:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SWITZERLAND men

      Novotel Cup 2016
      02.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - SWITZERLAND3 - 0 (25:14 25:21 25:22)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      01.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - SWITZERLAND3 - 0 (25:22 25:21 25:18)
      1993 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      28.11.1992SWITZERLAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (15:5 15:10 15:3)
      1993 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      24.10.1992LUXEMBOURG - SWITZERLAND0 - 3 (8:15 9:15 2:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SWEDEN men

      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      25.08.2018LUXEMBOURG - SWEDEN3 - 2 (23:25 19:25 25:20 25:22 15:10)
      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      22.08.2018SWEDEN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (22:25 25:14 25:17 25:14)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      20.05.2012SWEDEN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:20 26:24 25:12)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      13.05.2012LUXEMBOURG - SWEDEN0 - 3 (23:25 20:25 17:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG HUNGARY men

      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      29.05.2021HUNGARY - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:20 25:16 25:22)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      22.05.2021HUNGARY - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:16 25:23 25:19)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      16.05.2010HUNGARY - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (28:26 25:15 25:18)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      09.05.2010LUXEMBOURG - HUNGARY0 - 3 (19:25 22:25 17:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONACO men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      28.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - MONACO3 - 1 (25:18 25:23 20:25 25:21)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      02.06.2017LUXEMBOURG - MONACO3 - 0 (25:16 25:19 25:20)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      05.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - MONACO3 - 0 (25:17 25:12 25:14)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      29.05.2013LUXEMBOURG - MONACO3 - 1 (23:25 25:8 25:21 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND men

      Novotel Cup #33
      06.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 0 (25:6 25:10 25:13)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      02.06.2012LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 0 (25:8 25:12 25:18)
      2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      30.05.2002LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 2 (20:25 23:25 25:17 25:13 15:11)
      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      24.05.2000LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 0 (25:16 25:19 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NORWAY men

      Novotel Cup 2015
      03.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - NORWAY3 - 2 (20:25 23:25 25:16 25:12 15:12)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      20.05.2006NORWAY - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:18 25:15)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      13.05.2006LUXEMBOURG - NORWAY0 - 3 (21:25 18:25 18:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG REP OF MOLDOVA men

      2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men
      27.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - REP OF MOLDOVA2 - 3 (23:25 25:22 16:25 25:22 12:15)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men 1st Round
      22.05.2016REP OF MOLDOVA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 25:14 25:20)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      10.05.2014REP OF MOLDOVA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:18 25:22 25:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG GREECE men

      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      09.01.2019LUXEMBOURG - GREECE0 - 3 (20:25 16:25 21:25)
      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      15.08.2018GREECE - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:21 25:21 25:20)
      2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men
      28.05.2017GREECE - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:23 25:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ANDORRA men

      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      31.05.2011ANDORRA - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (18:25 11:25 21:25)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA0 - 3 (22:25 21:25 23:25)
      2007 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      04.05.2007LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA0 - 3 (22:25 21:25 16:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONTENEGRO men

      2022 - Eurovolley Qualifiers
      03.08.2022MONTENEGRO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 25:14 25:17)
      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      29.05.2019MONTENEGRO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:13 26:24 25:21)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      03.06.2011MONTENEGRO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:21 25:16 25:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG AZERBAIJAN men

      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      05.01.2019AZERBAIJAN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:18 25:27 21:25 25:20)
      2019 CEV Volleyball European Championships - Men
      18.08.2018LUXEMBOURG - AZERBAIJAN2 - 3 (28:30 23:25 25:23 25:20 11:15)
      Novotel Cup 2017
      31.12.2016LUXEMBOURG - AZERBAIJAN3 - 2 (25:23 19:25 26:24 20:25 15:7)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MALTA men

      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      18.06.2010LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:21 27:25 25:16)
      2003 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      28.05.2002LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:13 25:15 25:19)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ESTONIA men

      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Estonia)
      18.06.2016ESTONIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:20 29:27 25:14)
      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Austria)
      04.06.2016LUXEMBOURG - ESTONIA0 - 3 (16:25 14:25 21:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG BELARUS men

      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Estonia)
      19.06.2016BELARUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:17 25:19 25:21)
      2016 CEV Volleyball European League - Men (Austria)
      05.06.2016LUXEMBOURG - BELARUS0 - 3 (19:25 18:25 20:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CROATIA men

      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      27.05.2021CROATIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:16 25:17)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      21.05.2021CROATIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (29:31 25:12 25:16 25:20)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG PORTUGAL men

      2022 - Eurovolley Qualifiers
      13.08.2022LUXEMBOURG - PORTUGAL0 - 3 (17:25 16:25 20:25)
      2022 - Eurovolley Qualifiers
      10.08.2022PORTUGAL - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:16 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG DENMARK men

      Novotel Cup 2016
      01.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - DENMARK3 - 1 (21:25 25:15 25:18 25:18)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      04.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - DENMARK2 - 3 (25:23 25:27 20:25 25:20 12:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG LITHUANIA men

      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men 1st Round
      20.05.2016LUXEMBOURG - LITHUANIA3 - 2 (25:23 25:13 20:25 24:26 15:10)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      09.05.2014LUXEMBOURG - LITHUANIA3 - 0 (25:23 25:21 25:23)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ROMANIA men

      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      11.05.2008ROMANIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:16 25:18 25:20)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      08.05.2008LUXEMBOURG - ROMANIA0 - 3 (23:25 12:25 14:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG USA STEVEN DUCKS men

      Novotel Cup 2014
      03.01.2014LUXEMBOURG - USA STEVEN DUCKS3 - 0 (25:20 25:23 25:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG LISSP CALAIS men

      Novotel Cup 2014
      04.01.2014LUXEMBOURG - LISSP CALAIS3 - 2 (21:25 25:23 25:20 17:25 15:12)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NETHERLANDS men

      2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men
      23.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - NETHERLANDS1 - 3 (25:22 16:25 20:25 15:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SLOVAKIA men

      2018 FIVB Volleyball World Championship - Men
      24.05.2017SLOVAKIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:17 27:25 26:24)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG FRANCE men

      Novotel Cup #34
      27.12.2023LUXEMBOURG - FRANCE3 - 1 (17:25 25:21 25:21 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ISRAEL men

      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Men
      11.05.2014ISRAEL - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:21 25:20 25:14)


      2001 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      24.05.2000LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (16:25 22:25 22:25)
      2023 #33 - Novotel Cup1.
      2020 #32 - Novotel Cup1.
      2019 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2017 #31 - Novotel Cup3.
      2017 - Novotel Cup1.
      2017 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round1.
      2017 - JPEE/GSSE1.
      2016 - Novotel Cup1.
      2016 - 2016 CEV Volleyball EL - Men (Austria)4.
      2016 - 2016 CEV Volleyball EL - Men (Estonia)4.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH - 1st Round3.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2015 - Novotel Cup2.
      2015 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round1.
      2015 - JPEE/GSSE1.
      2014 - Novotel Cup2.
      2014 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2014 - CEV Volleyball ECH - 1st Round3.
      2013 - Novotel Cup2.
      2013 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      2013 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round3.
      2012 - Novotel Cup2.
      2012 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2011 - Novotel Cup2.
      2011 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2011 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
      2010 - Novotel Cup2.
      2010 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2009 - Novotel Cup2.
      2009 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      2009 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
      2008 - Novotel Cup3.
      2008 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD2.
      2007 - Novotel Cup4.
      2007 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2007 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round3.
      2006 - Novotel Cup4.
      2006 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2005 - Novotel Cup3.
      2005 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      2003 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2001 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      1999 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      1995 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      1993 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      1991 - JPEE/GSSE1.
      1989 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      1987 - JPEE/GSSE3.
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      CEV SCA100
      CEV EC SCD023
      GSSE indoor155
      Novotel Cup41010
      Officiel CEV Ranking (22.10.2018)
      36 (02.10.2017)
      38 (07.08.2017)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:51 - 107 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG ICELAND women

      Novotel Cup #32
      05.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:15 16:25 27:25 25:22)
      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      30.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND2 - 3 (25:12 25:22 17:25 21:25 11:15)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      24.06.2017LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND0 - 3 (13:25 26:28 19:25)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      02.06.2017ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (25:23 25:23 15:25 27:29 10:15)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      25.06.2016ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (21:25 25:19 25:17 25:17)
      Novotel Cup 2016
      03.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:22 27:25 25:19)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      05.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (23:25 25:18 25:21 25:18)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      04.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 2 (23:25 20:25 25:18 25:22 15:13)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      08.06.2014LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:18 25:18 43:41)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      30.05.2013LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:17 25:21 22:25 25:18)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      26.05.2012LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 0 (25:21 25:20 25:14)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      02.06.2011LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND3 - 1 (25:15 13:25 25:21 25:22)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      12.06.2010ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (21:25 25:18 21:25 25:22 14:16)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND0 - 3 (20:25 19:25 16:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG LIECHTENSTEIN women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      29.05.2019LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (25:22 21:25 20:25 10:25)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      30.05.2017LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 0 (25:23 25:18 25:14)
      Novotel Cup 2017
      01.01.2017LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 0 (25:16 25:7 25:17)
      Novotel Cup 2016
      02.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 0 (26:24 25:17 25:11)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      04.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 2 (25:19 24:26 25:23 23:25 15:13)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      15.05.2015LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 0 (25:23 25:22 25:21)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      03.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 1 (25:17 25:20 21:25 25:23)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      07.06.2014LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN3 - 0 (25:13 25:16 25:21)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      04.06.2011LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (24:26 25:27 26:28)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      13.05.2011LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (18:25 11:25 15:25)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      05.06.2009LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (19:25 25:22 18:25 25:23 15:11)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      22.05.2009LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (24:26 25:18 28:26 25:22)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      17.05.2008LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (24:26 23:25 22:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SAN MARINO women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      28.05.2019SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:20 25:20 25:21)
      Novotel Cup #31
      29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 0 (25:22 25:16 25:22)
      Novotel Cup #31
      28.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO1 - 3 (15:25 25:22 16:25 21:25)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      01.06.2017SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (25:15 20:25 19:25 25:22 15:8)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      06.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO0 - 3 (16:25 17:25 22:25)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      29.05.2013SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (22:25 25:14 24:26 25:23 12:15)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      27.05.2012SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (25:22 19:25 23:25 25:16 15:8)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      31.05.2011SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 25:18 25:15)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      12.05.2011LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO1 - 3 (25:23 23:25 20:25 22:35)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      12.06.2010LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 1 (25:21 27:25 18:25 25:20)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      06.06.2009SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (22:25 25:14 25:23 25:22)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      23.05.2009LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 2 (17:25 26:24 21:25 25:22 15:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      01.06.2019LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (23:25 13:25 21:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      23.06.2017LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS3 - 1 (25:23 25:21 21:25 25:20)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      31.05.2017CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 2 (25:19 21:25 22:25 25:11 15:13)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      15.05.2015CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (22:25 25:11 25:14 25:20)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      31.05.2013CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (23:25 19:25 22:25)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      01.06.2011LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (20:25 18:25 12:25)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      15.05.2011CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (25:14 25:19 25:27 18:25 10:15)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      03.06.2009CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (20:25 25:14 25:10 25:12)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      24.05.2009CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (22:25 25:12 25:20 25:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG FAROE ISLANDS women

      2019 SCA Women Tournament (Luxembourg)
      11.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS3 - 2 (25:21 25:23 19:25 23:25 15:7)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      25.06.2017FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (17:25 24:26 9:25)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      17.05.2015FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (22:25 25:23 25:22 20:25 10:15)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      06.06.2014FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:21 25:22 16:25 25:14)
      2013 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      25.05.2012FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (28:26 25:21 25:19)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      18.05.2008LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS3 - 0 (25:19 25:12 25:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND women

      Novotel Cup #32
      04.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND3 - 0 (25:16 25:21 25:15)
      2019 SCA Women Tournament (Luxembourg)
      12.05.2019SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (25:23 24:26 25:27 21:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      24.06.2017SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (20:25 16:25 17:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      26.06.2016SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 1 (25:23 16:25 25:23 25:20)
      2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      16.05.2015LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND0 - 3 (12:25 15:25 19:25)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      16.05.2008SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (21:25 25:19 25:16 22:25 8:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG AUSTRIA women

      Novotel Cup #34
      28.12.2023AUSTRIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 26:24 26:24)
      Novotel Cup #34
      27.12.2023LUXEMBOURG - AUSTRIA2 - 3 (27:25 19:25 20:25 25:22 16:18)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      04.06.2021AUSTRIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:15 25:14 25:20)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      30.05.2021AUSTRIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:15 25:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SLOVENIA women

      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      26.06.2022LUXEMBOURG - SLOVENIA0 - 3 (17:25 16:25 17:25)
      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      25.05.2022SLOVENIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:23 25:12 25:14)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      05.06.2021LUXEMBOURG - SLOVENIA0 - 3 (14:25 19:25 13:25)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      28.05.2021LUXEMBOURG - SLOVENIA0 - 3 (14:25 13:25 16:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND women

      2023 CEV SCA Senior Women Championships
      26.05.2023LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 0 (25:13 25:5 30:28)
      Novotel Cup #33
      06.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 0 (25:15 25:8 25:17)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      13.06.2010IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (25:18 18:25 21:25 7:25)
      2009 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      18.05.2008LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND3 - 1 (25:12 25:20 23:25 25:18)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG DENMARK women

      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women 1st Round
      22.05.2016LUXEMBOURG - DENMARK0 - 3 (12:25 17:25 17:25)
      Novotel Cup 2016
      01.01.2016LUXEMBOURG - DENMARK0 - 3 (26:28 11:25 22:25)
      Novotel Cup 2015
      02.01.2015LUXEMBOURG - DENMARK1 - 3 (25:14 25:27 21:25 21:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ESTONIA women

      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      22.06.2022ESTONIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:14 25:16 25:22)
      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      29.05.2022LUXEMBOURG - ESTONIA0 - 3 (19:25 21:25 16:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women 1st Round
      20.05.2016ESTONIA - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:18 25:16 25:12)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG GERMANY women

      Novotel Cup #35
      05.01.2025LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY3 - 0 (25:15 25:14 25:18)
      Novotel Cup #33
      08.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY3 - 1 (25:20 21:25 25:18 25:18)
      Novotel Cup 2014
      04.11.2016LUXEMBOURG - GERMANY1 - 3 (22:25 16:25 25:22 21:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SWEDEN women

      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      18.06.2022SWEDEN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:11 25:13 25:14)
      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      01.06.2022LUXEMBOURG - SWEDEN0 - 3 (22:25 15:25 10:25)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women 1st Round
      21.05.2016SWEDEN - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:19 25:19 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MALTA women

      2023 CEV SCA Senior Women Championships
      26.05.2023LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:5 25:7 25:23)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      03.06.2017LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:13 25:23 25:20)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      11.06.2010LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:23 25:18 25:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ENGLAND women

      Novotel Cup #35
      04.01.2025LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:17 25:18 25:19)
      Novotel Cup #33
      07.01.2023LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (25:17 25:15 26:24)
      Novotel Cup #32
      03.01.2020LUXEMBOURG - ENGLAND3 - 0 (27:25 25:14 25:18)


      Novotel Cup #31
      29.12.2017LUXEMBOURG - TERVILLE FLORANGE OC0 - 3 (16:25 24:26 22:25)
      Novotel Cup #31
      27.12.2017TERVILLE FLORANGE OC - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:23 27:25 25:16)
      Novotel Cup 2014
      03.01.2014LUXEMBOURG - TERVILLE FLORANGE OC0 - 3 (11:25 12:25 20:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG PORTUGAL women

      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      12.06.2022LUXEMBOURG - PORTUGAL0 - 3 (8:25 15:25 15:25)
      2022 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      08.06.2022PORTUGAL - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:12 25:13 25:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NORTHERN IRELAND women

      2019 SCA Women Tournament (Luxembourg)
      10.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:10 25:4 25:10)
      2017 CEV Volleyball European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      24.06.2016LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:18 25:11 25:7)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SWITZERLAND women

      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women
      15.05.2010SWITZERLAND - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:7 25:9 25:17)
      2011 CEV Volleyball European Championship - Women
      09.05.2010LUXEMBOURG - SWITZERLAND0 - 3 (19:25 8:25 7:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONTENEGRO women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      31.05.2019MONTENEGRO - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:14 25:12 25:21)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      03.06.2015LUXEMBOURG - MONTENEGRO0 - 3 (14:25 16:25 14:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ISRAEL women

      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      06.06.2021ISRAEL - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:23 25:16 25:14)
      2021 CEV Volleyball European Silver League
      29.05.2021ISRAEL - LUXEMBOURG3 - 0 (25:23 25:19 25:22)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ALBANIA women

      Novotel Cup 2017
      30.12.2016LUXEMBOURG - ALBANIA0 - 3 (24:26 28:30 24:26)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NORWAY women

      Novotel Cup 2017
      31.12.2016LUXEMBOURG - NORWAY3 - 2 (22:25 13:25 26:24 25:16 15:10)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG AZERBAIJAN women

      Novotel Cup 2014
      05.11.2016LUXEMBOURG - AZERBAIJAN0 - 3 (15:25 23:25 19:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG GREENLAND women

      2019 SCA Women Tournament (Luxembourg)
      11.05.2019LUXEMBOURG - GREENLAND3 - 0 (25:8 25:10 25:14)
      2023 #33 - Novotel Cup1.
      2020 #32 - Novotel Cup1.
      2019 - CEV Small Countries Association (SCA)1.
      2019 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      2017 #31 - Novotel Cup3.
      2017 - Novotel Cup3.
      2017 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2017 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
      2016 - Novotel Cup2.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH - 1st Round4.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD3.
      2015 - Novotel Cup2.
      2015 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      2015 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round3.
      2014 - Novotel Cup4.
      2014 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD2.
      2013 - Novotel Cup2.
      2013 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      2013 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
      2012 - Novotel Cup2.
      2012 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD2.
      2011 - Novotel Cup1.
      2011 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2011 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round3.
      2010 - Novotel Cup3.
      2010 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2009 - Novotel Cup4.
      2009 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      2009 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round3.
      2008 - Novotel Cup4.
      2008 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD1.
      2007 - Novotel Cup2.
      2007 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      2006 - Novotel Cup3.
      2005 - Novotel Cup2.
      2005 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2004 - Novotel Cup1.
      2003 - Novotel Cup3.
      2003 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      2002 - Novotel Cup2.
      2001 - Novotel Cup3.
      2000 - Novotel Cup4.
      1999 - Novotel Cup3.
      1999 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      1997 - Novotel Cup5.
      1996 - Novotel Cup3.
      1995 - Novotel Cup4.
      1995 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      1994 - Novotel Cup5.
      1993 - Novotel Cup4.
      1993 - JPEE/GSSE1.
      1992 - Novotel Cup3.
      1991 - Novotel Cup5.
      1991 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      1990 - Novotel Cup2.
      1989 - Novotel Cup2.
      1989 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      1988 - Novotel Cup2.
      1987 - Novotel Cup3.
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      CEV EC SCD U20110
      Officiel CEV Ranking (03.07.2017)
      36 (12.09.2016)
      35 (30.03.2016)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:52 - 10 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG SAN MARINO men

      2016 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      02.04.2016LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO3 - 0 (25:12 25:10 25:17)
      2016 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      01.04.2016SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (10:25 22:25 16:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND men

      2018 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      23.03.2018LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND3 - 1 (25:22 21:25 25:16 25:23)
      2016 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      01.04.2016LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND3 - 1 (25:17 20:25 25:23 27:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ICELAND men

      2018 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      24.03.2018ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (26:24 15:25 16:25 23:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND men

      2022 - SCA Junior Men Championships
      14.04.2022IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG1 - 3 (13:25 28:26 11:25 19:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS men

      2016 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men
      03.04.2016LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS1 - 3 (26:24 17:25 18:25 15:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG FAROE ISLANDS men

      2018 CEV U20 European Championship Small Countries Division - Men Final Round
      25.03.2018LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS2 - 3 (25:12 25:20 22:25 18:25 13:15)


      2022 - SCA Junior Men Championships
      12.04.2022LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND2 - 3 (22:25 25:16 18:25 25:19 12:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ANDORRA men

      2022 - SCA Junior Men Championships
      13.04.2022LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA3 - 1 (14:25 25:13 25:18 28:26)
      2018 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round1.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      CEV EC SCD U19110
      Officiel CEV Ranking (25.07.2017)
      36 (05.09.2016)
      36 (30.03.2016)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:53 - 12 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG FAROE ISLANDS women

      2018 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      30.04.2018LUXEMBOURG - FAROE ISLANDS3 - 1 (25:20 26:24 14:25 25:19)
      2016 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      01.04.2016FAROE ISLANDS - LUXEMBOURG2 - 3 (8:25 25:23 25:23 22:25 9:15)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND women

      2018 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      01.05.2018LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND3 - 1 (12:25 25:21 25:19 25:20)
      2016 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      02.04.2016SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (19:25 17:25 21:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NORTHERN IRELAND women

      2022 - SCA Junior Women Championships
      08.04.2022NORTHERN IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (13:25 18:25 13:25)
      2016 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      03.04.2016LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND3 - 0 (25:7 25:9 25:19)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG LIECHTENSTEIN women

      2018 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      01.05.2018LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (11:25 23:25 17:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND women

      2022 - SCA Junior Women Championships
      10.04.2022IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG0 - 3 (18:25 19:25 12:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS women

      2016 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women
      02.04.2016LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS0 - 3 (14:25 14:25 11:25)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG WALES women

      2018 CEV U19 European Championship Small Countries Division - Women Final Round
      29.04.2018LUXEMBOURG - WALES3 - 0 (25:11 25:12 25:7)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MALTA women

      2022 - SCA Junior Women Championships
      09.04.2022LUXEMBOURG - MALTA3 - 0 (25:15 25:13 25:14)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG GIBRALTAR women

      2022 - SCA Junior Women Championships
      10.04.2022LUXEMBOURG - GIBRALTAR3 - 0 (27:25 25:14 25:3)
      2018 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round1.
      2016 - CEV Volleyball ECH SCD - Final Round2.
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      GSSE beach001
      Officiel CEV Ranking (13.06.2016)
      40 (01.01.2015)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:53 - 28 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONACO men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      31.05.2019 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (15:21 18:21)
      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      28.05.2019 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (22:20 21:12)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      02.06.2017 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 1 (14:21 21:13 15:13)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      03.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG - MONACO 2 - 0 (21:11 21:19)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      29.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - MONACO 2 - 0 (21:11 21:13)


      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      02.06.2017 LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:12 21:16)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      04.06.2015 LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:11 21:14)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      30.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN 0 - 2 (12:21 21:23)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      04.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN 0 - 2 (17:21 14:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      31.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 1 - 2 (20:22 21:7 13:15)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      06.06.2015 CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:15 21:13)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      31.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 0 - 2 (17:21 14:21)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009 CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:16 21:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ANDORRA men

      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      30.05.2017 ANDORRA - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:15 21:11)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      05.06.2015 ANDORRA - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:15 21:16)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      01.06.2013 LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA 0 - 2 (10:21 12:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SAN MARINO men

      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      31.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO 2 - 1 (18:21 21:19 15:12)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)
      03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - SAN MARINO 0 - 2 (20:22 13:21)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009 SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:8 21:9)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND men

      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (13:21 13:21)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)
      03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND 2 - 0 (21:11 21:12)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MALTA men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      29.05.2019 MALTA - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (15:21 12:21)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      03.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG - MALTA 2 - 1 (21:17 17:21 15:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONTENEGRO men

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      30.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG - MONTENEGRO 2 - 0 (21:12 21:17)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      01.06.2017 LUXEMBOURG - MONTENEGRO 2 - 1 (21:16 18:21 15:2)


      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)
      05.06.2016 NORTHERN IRELAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:18 21:18)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ICELAND men

      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      28.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND 2 - 0 (21:10 21:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND men

      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND 2 - 0 (21:9 21:18)
      2019 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2017 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      2016 - 2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Men (Scotland)5.
      2015 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      2013 - JPEE/GSSE4.
      2009 - JPEE/GSSE6.
    • Medals Gold Silver Bronze
      GSSE beach122
      Officiel CEV Ranking (13.06.2016)
      41 (01.01.2015)
      more about the CEV ranking system... CEV WebSite

      All match data is provided by Our match database is still under development and more data will be added as soon as possible. So all statistics are based on the actual stand of the database.
      DB stand on 16.02.2025 18:35:53 - 43 matches


      comparison LUXEMBOURG MALTA women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      29.05.2019 MALTA - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:19 21:17)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      30.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG - MALTA 0 - 2 (16:21 12:21)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      06.06.2015 MALTA - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 1 (21:18 13:21 16:14)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      31.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - MALTA 2 - 1 (21:17 16:21 15:11)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      04.06.2011 MALTA - LUXEMBOURG 1 - 2 (18:21 21:16 10:15)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      01.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG - MALTA 2 - 0 (21:14 24:22)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONACO women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      28.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG - MONACO 0 - 2 (15:21 11:21)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      30.05.2017 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:10 21:15)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      03.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG - MONACO 0 - 2 (14:21 19:21)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      31.05.2011 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (13:21 13:21)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      05.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG - MONACO 1 - 2 (21:18 22:24 10:15)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009 MONACO - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (15:21 15:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG CYPRUS women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      28.05.2019 CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:10 21:16)
      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      01.06.2017 CYPRUS - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:11 25:8)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      02.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 0 - 2 (10:21 18:21)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      01.06.2013 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 0 - 2 (14:21 11:21)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      03.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 1 - 2 (21:15 13:21 7:15)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      03.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG - CYPRUS 0 - 2 (14:21 10:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG LIECHTENSTEIN women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      30.05.2019 LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:16 21:16)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      04.06.2015 LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN 0 - 2 (9:21 16:21)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      30.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN 2 - 1 (11:21 21:10 16:14)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      05.06.2009 LIECHTENSTEIN - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (21:23 14:21)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      02.06.2009 LUXEMBOURG - LIECHTENSTEIN 2 - 0 (21:14 21:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SCOTLAND women

      2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh
      14.05.2017 SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:6 21:9)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:5 21:14)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (: :)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - SCOTLAND 2 - 0 (21:18 21:5)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      04.06.2016 SCOTLAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:11 21:11)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ICELAND women

      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      02.06.2017 LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND 2 - 0 (21:17 21:16)
      2015 Games of the Small States of Europe (Iceland)
      05.06.2015 ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:15 21:16)
      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      29.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - ICELAND 2 - 0 (21:10 21:15)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      03.06.2009 ICELAND - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (15:21 20:22)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG IRELAND women

      2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh
      14.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND 0 - 2 (16:21 13:21)
      2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh
      13.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND 2 - 0 (21:16 21:15)
      2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh
      13.05.2017 LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND 2 - 0 (21:7 21:8)
      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - IRELAND 2 - 0 (21:8 21:12)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG ANDORRA women

      2013 Games of the Small States of Europe (Luxembourg)
      28.05.2013 LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA 2 - 0 (21:12 21:13)
      2011 Games of the Small States of Europe (Liechtenstein)
      02.06.2011 LUXEMBOURG - ANDORRA 2 - 0 (21:8 21:7)
      2009 Games of the Small States of Europe (Cyprus)
      04.06.2009 ANDORRA - LUXEMBOURG 0 - 2 (9:21 9:21)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG SAN MARINO women

      2017 Games of the Small States of Europe (San Marino)
      31.05.2017 SAN MARINO - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:7 21:10)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG DENMARK women

      2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh
      13.05.2017 DENMARK - LUXEMBOURG 2 - 0 (21:5 21:13)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG NORTHERN IRELAND women

      2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)
      03.06.2016 LUXEMBOURG - NORTHERN IRELAND 2 - 0 (21:15 21:16)

      comparison LUXEMBOURG MONTENEGRO women

      2019 Games of the Small States of Europe (Montenegro)
      31.05.2019 LUXEMBOURG - MONTENEGRO 2 - 0 (21:14 21:11)
      2019 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      2017 - 2017 CEV Womens Beach Volleyball Zonal Event Edinburgh4.
      2017 - JPEE/GSSE5.
      2016 - 2016 SCD European Beach Volleyball Finals - Women (Scotland)5.
      2015 - JPEE/GSSE6.
      2013 - JPEE/GSSE2.
      2011 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2009 - JPEE/GSSE3.
      2007 - JPEE/GSSE1.
      2005 - JPEE/GSSE2.

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